EFMC-ISMC 2010, the 21st edition of the EFMC International Symposium on Medicinal Chemistry will take place in Brussels, Belgium, from September 5 until 9, 2010. The Symposium, which is internationally recognized as one of the leading Medicinal Chemistry meetings, will provide an international forum for presentations and discussions for leaders in trends in Medicinal Chemistry.
The aim of the symposium is to offer a broad spectrum programme with topics covering most aspects of the search for better molecules, with case studies, lectures on new strategies and methodologies, posters and a scientific exhibition.
ISMC 2010 will cover drug discovery advances in all major therapeutic areas, as well as the most recent advances in lead identification and optimization strategies, in drug design and development, and in prediction of activity as well as adverse effects. An emphasis will be on first time disclosures, emerging drugs and technologies, including nanotechnologies, microfluidics, imaging biomarkers, and the chemical modulation of stem cells.
The list of sessions and confirmed invited speakers is now available on the symposium website www.ismc2010.org.

At ISMC Brussels, sunset sessions will be organized by the Industry Liaison Committee (ILC) and the Education and Training Committee (ETC) of EFMC. The ILC session, “Careers in Medicinal Chemistry”, provides an opportunity for those seeking a career in MedChem to meet with experienced medicinal chemists from both industry and academia and discuss the career and science options for Medicinal Chemists in Europe. The ETC sunset session will focus on “Academic curriculae and industrial careers”. How to (re)organize academic curricula to guarantee to young medicinal chemists a successful start in an industrial environment?” After a presentation on the general issue by an in both research and management experienced medicinal chemist, two young scientists will report on their experiences when changing from the training at university to an industrial laboratory. A discussion will complete the programme.


MedChemComm, the official EFMC journal, is now accepting submissions. The journal will publish issues monthly from mid 2010 and will contain a mix of vibrant and concise research and review articles. To submit your work to MedChemComm, please use the submission tool on the RSC website www.rsc.org/publishing.


To acknowledge outstanding achievements in the field of Medicinal Chemistry, EFMC is conferring every two years three Awards: “the Nauta Award for Pharmacochemistry”, “the UCB-Ehrlich Award for Excellence in Medicinal Chemistry” and “the Prous Institute-Overton and Meyer Award for New Technologies in Drug Discovery”. The laureates of the previous EFMC Awards were highly recognized scientists, honoured for their outstanding achievements in the field of Medicinal Chemistry. The EFMC is highly pleased that also this year numerous valuable nominations came in, so that the awardees can be chosen from a selection of worldwide renowned scientists. The three Awards will be conferred on the occasion of the XXIst International Symposium on Medicinal Chemistry (Brussels, Belgium, September 5-9, 2010), where the award winners will present a lecture.
A large entry of young medicinal chemists answered the call for nominations for the first edition of the “EFMC Prize for a Young Medicinal Chemist in Industry” and the “EFMC Prize for a Young Medicinal Chemist in Academia”. The prizes are established to acknowledge and recognize an outstanding young medicinal chemist (<35 years old) working in industry or in academia within Europe. The winners will be awarded at ISMC, where they will give a short presentation.


A large entry of young medicinal chemists answered the call for nominations for the first edition of the “EFMC Prize for a Young Medicinal Chemist in Industry” and the “EFMC Prize for a Young Medicinal Chemist in Academia”. The prizes are established to acknowledge and recognize an outstanding young medicinal chemist (<35 years old) working in industry or in academia within Europe. The winners will be awarded at ISMC, where they will give a short presentation.


By Nele Coulier and Koen Augustyns


Gabriele Costantino
Univ. of Parma, IT

Editorial Committee

Erden Banoglu
Gazi Univ., TR

Lennart Bunch
Univ. of Copenhagen, DK

Leonardo Scapozza
Univ. of Geneve, CH

Wolfgang Sippl
Univ. Halle-Wittenberg, DE

Sarah Skerratt
Pfizer, Sandwich

Executive Committee

Gerhard F. Ecker President
Roberto Pellicciari Past Pres.
Koen Augustyns Secretary
Rasmus P. Clausen Treasurer
Javier Fernandez Member
Mark Bunnage Member
Peter Matuys Member

For more information please contact info@efmc.info
