First Joint ACS-Division of Medicinal Chemistry-EFMC Meeting: Frontiers in CNS and Oncology Medicinal Chemistry - Siena, Oct 7-9

The ACS, ACS Division of Medicinal Chemistry, and EFMC have agreed to start an important series of jointly organized meetings.

The first one, organized in collaboration with the Division of Medicinal Chemistry of the Italian Chemical Society, will be held in Siena, Italy, in October 7-9, 2007. This meeting will bring together pioneering scientists from both sides of the Atlantic to discuss the latest advances in drug discovery and development to fight cancer and CNS diseases. The scientific program features half day sessions for each therapeutic area over two days, with an opening session that includes plenary lectures and a session on hit to lead discovery, as well as two poster sessions and an exhibition.

With this event EFMC for the first time gets directly involved in the organisation of a scientific meeting, sharing risk and benefit with the ACS and ACS Division of Medicinal Chemistry. This further strengthens our links to the American Chemical Society, which already include exchange of sessions on our major events and mutual representation at the Management Committees. Furthermore, EFMC has a specific representative on the Editorial Advisory Board of the Journal of Medicinal Chemistry. The Siena meeting is expected to be the first of a series planned to be organised biannually, with the aim of bringing together scientists from the USA and Europe

Number of participants is limited to 150, so early booking is highly recommended.

For more information, go to

By Gerhard Ecker


Gerhard Ecker
Univ. Vienna, AT

Editorial Committee

Koen Augustyns
Univ. Antwerpen, BE

Erden Banoglu
Gazi Univ., TR

Gabriele Costantino
Univ. Parma, IT

Jordi Mestres

Kristian Stromgaard
Univ. Copenhagen, DK

Executive Committee

Roberto Pellicciari President
Ferran Sanz Past-President
Gerhard F.Ecker Secretary
Rasmus P.Clausen Treasurer
David Alker Member
Brigitte Lesur Member
Peter Matuys Member

For more information please contact